Monday, January 23, 2012

Why hello there!

Let me start by introducing myself.

My name is Rachel and I'm 29 years old. I'm the wife of an amazing man, Ryan, and mother of two sweet little girls, Cameron and Sydney. I always knew I wanted to have a family, but I could have never guessed how much I would enjoy it!

I graduated from Baylor University with a degree in Marketing and spent my first several years post-grad, working in the corporate world. I learned a lot and got some great experience, which has proven to be extremely valuable.

Two years ago when I had Cameron, Ryan and I decided it was best for me to quit my job so I could stay at home with her. As anyone who has made that decision knows, it's a hard one to make. It wasn't so much that I loved my job (because I definitely didn't) but it was all the uncertainties that I struggled with. Could we survive on a single income? Could I get another job if I needed to? Would I be lonely? But ultimately, I decided it would be too hard to give 100% to everything I needed to—marriage, kids, work—and if one had to go, it should most definitely be the job.

It was a great decision and I haven't looked back for a second. I love being at home, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I joined a bible study, made some mommy friends and even scored a part time marketing position that I can do from home. It really has been a perfect combination.

I love to spend time with my family, play outside in the sunshine, run, try new recipes, watch movies and read....and of course write. I love Jesus Christ and believe with my whole heart that he died to save me from my sins, and it is by his grace alone that there is any hope for me.

When I got pregnant with Cameron in 2009, I started a blog to update all our family and friends on the pregnancy. Over time that blog has morphed into a summary of all the happenings in our life. It's so fun to look back and see how we've all changed and grown over the years. I'm slowly working on transferring all those blog entries into books so we have them forever. I'm so thankful to have all those memories written down, it's amazing how quickly you begin to forget!

As I became more of a blogger, I started following more and more fun blogs. There are so many fun and interesting mommy blogs out there. At some point I had the realization that what they were doing wasn't hugely different, or unique, it was just mommies sharing their experiences and ideas. I decided to take a shot at creating a mommy blog of my own. So welcome to Messy Kitchen, Happy Kids.

My inspiration:

Photo courtesy of Simply Designing 

Because let's face it, when you look back years from now, it's not going to matter whether or not your kitchen was clean, you're going to remember the happy times you got to spend with your kiddos.

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