Back when I was in college, way before Ryan was my husband, he was just my best friend's older brother. By the grace of God, when I moved back home after graduation, I reconnected with him at church. It didn't take long for us to see that God had a bigger plan for our relationship—Ryan's little sister's friend was quickly becoming the love of his life. We started dating in November of 2005, were engaged in February 2006 and married five months later in July. I guess when you know, you just know.
We welcomed our first little girl, Cameron, into our lives in 2010 and 20 months later were blessed by the arrival of our second sweet little munchkin, Sydney. Being the mommy of these two little girls is one of the most rewarding things in the entire world. Challenging, yes, but I don't know what I would do without their sweet, smiling little faces.
After spending several years in the professional world, I traded in life behind a desk to stay at home with my girls. To be perfectly honest, it was a trade I was more than happy to make. I have however, scored a part time marketing gig, which has been the perfect complement to my life as a mommy.
I praise God for all the wonderful things and people he has placed into my life. I strive to serve Him through every action every day and eventough I fall short more often than I hit my target, I know His grace is big enough. I continually look forward to what he has in store for us next.