The Urban Dictionary defines Mommy Brain as the following:
Mommy Brain: The phenomenon known to mothers where their brains become useless piles of goo after being around their children for too long.
(Side note: I love Urban Dictionary, cracks me up that you can actually find a definition for something like Mommy Brain.)
I don't know if I would go so far as to say my brain has become a useless pile of goo, BUT I would most definitely say that some days (ok, most days) my brain is on overload trying to keep track of the ten thousand things that I'm trying to juggle. It's hard to believe I make it out the door without leaving one or both my kiddos behind! (Ok ok, I would never ACTUALLY leave one of my kids behind, but sometimes I do take a second glance in the review mirror just to make sure there are two little bodies secure in their car seats. Don't lie, you've done it before too!)
Keeping track of my cell phone, for example, is ridiculously hard. I swear, I need to permanently attach that thing to my body. I am constantly running around my house trying to figure out where the heck I had it last. And somehow I always find it in the most obscure places, i.e. the closet, between the couch cushions. I wish I could blame it on Cameron, but sadly I can't. 99% of the I'm the one responsible for leaving it in those strange places (although the reason I'm usually rushing off leaving it is because of urgent matters that arise with the girls, but that is neither here nor there).
So, how do I cope with Mommy Brain? LISTS. You bet ya, I am the queen of lists. My husband makes fun of me for being a nerdy list person, but let's be honest, without my lists I wouldn't be able to keep track of anything at all. I make lists of things I need to do, things I want to buy, people I need to email or call, questions I have. Yes, it's pretty ridiculous. But it works, and when you find a system that works, you go with it. Am I right?
So what happens when Mommy Brain sabotages my list system? Disaster!
Yesterday I made a much needed trip to the grocery store. We were literally out of food, so I had a pretty substantial grocery list. So we're at the store, I have my list in hand, Sydney in the Bjorn and Cameron driving the "car" on the front of the cart. (Have you seen those things? They are incredibly hard to push around, but genius because they get your toddler excited about the grocery store.) We've just made it through the produce department and are waiting at the deli counter to get meat and cheese. I look down and notice the list is gone. Crap! I had a gazillion things on that list and we've only just started. I quickly backtrack through the produce department to see if I can find it. No go. List is officially lost. Ugh. Now what? Go from memory. Great.
I proceeded to navigate through the store trying to remember everything on my list without the list, all while trying to make sure Cameron wasn't jumping out of the car or grabbing things of the shelf. Not exactly the easiest task in the whole world. Luckily, we made it out of the store with only one slight mishap—Cameron dumped a carton of eggs smashing several of them on the floor—and most of the items on my list. Not too bad considering.
I know it seems like I'm sitting here complaining about how Mommy Brain (which I kind of am), but the truth is, it's just the flip side of a motherhood coin that I wouldn't trade in for the world. Yes my life is crazy. Yes I forget things, I can't find things and sometimes feel like I'm loosing my mind. But if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't get this:
And the Lord knows, these two little munchkins really do bring me countless hours of joy.
So what can I say, this useless pile of goo, well it's just going to have to do. ;)
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