Let's face it, being a woman, a wife, a mommy... is hard! It's nearly impossible to juggle all of our responsibilities, and to do it with grace, forget it. Before I was a wife and a mom I would watch other people and think to myself, "Oh my gosh, I would never [insert anything here]." Well it didn't take long for me to figure out that in the middle of the craziness some things just have to slip through the cracks. My kids do watch TV, my house isn't always clean and tighty, I don't get to work out every day, and if I shower before noon it's a miracle.
When my husband and I first got married we were part of a small group with several other newly married couples. Being part of this group turned out to be one of the most important things we did for our marriage. Talking to other couples about what they were experiencing in their marriage really helped normalize things for us. We weren't the only ones struggling with...
That's what I hope this blog can do for you. Normalize life. It's hard to be a woman of character and strength, and if you feel like you're falling short, don't worry, you're not the only one. Trust me! I hope this blog can provide you with some tips, good ideas, and most of all encouragement.
Lean on God and he will provide, it is his desire to see His children succeed. Who could possibly understand that better than a mother?